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ADMISSION NOTIFICATION for B.A.LL.B. (Honours in Adjudication and Justicing)

By AB Tutorials
21 Mar, 2023
ADMISSION NOTIFICATION for B.A.LL.B. (Honours in Adjudication and Justicing)
Maharashtra National Law University, Nagpur was established by the Government of Maharashtra vide Act No. VI of 2014 to advance and disseminate learning and knowledge of law and legal process and their role in national development. In furthering our vision of improving the quality of Justicing in the country by attracting best talent and train it for courts, the University launched B.A.LL.B. (Honours in Adjudication and Justicing), an Undergraduate Degree Course approved by the Bar Council of India (BCI). This Five-Year duration degree course comprises of intensive and exhaustive practical training with regular Internships and Judicial Clerkship and Six months of Apprenticeship (Semester-X) under the guardianship of High Court Justices and District Judges. B.A.LL.B. (Honours in Adjudication and Justicing) is a residential Degree Course that aims to equip the students with critical legal thinking for entry level of Judiciary and a successful Lawyer. Its curriculum focuses on pluralism, social integration, and socio-cultural structure of the State. Mock Trials, Clinical legal Education, and field visits are the integral part of the curriculum through which students understand the application of classroom teaching and appreciate the socio-economic and legal issues.


The candidates fulfilling the following criteria are eligible to apply:
  • Candidates must have appeared in the CLAT 2023 Examination conducted in December 2022;
  • Candidates must have completed Higher Secondary Education i.e., 10 2 or an equivalent examination with forty-five percent (45%) or its equivalent grade in case of candidates belonging to Unreserved / OBC / PWD categories and forty percent (40%) marks or its equivalent grade in case of candidates belonging to Reserved Categories;
  • Candidate should be an Indian Citizen; and
  • The age of the candidate should not be more than 20 (twenty) years as on the date of application (i.e. the applicant should have born between June 30, 2003 and June 30, 2023).

Intake and Reservation: 60 Seats

The Reservation Policy of Maharashtra as envisaged in the Maharashtra National Law University Act 2014 would be made applicable. The allocation of seats is as follows:
Category Percentage No of Seats
Scheduled Castes of Maharashtra 13 08
Scheduled Tribes of Maharashtra 07 04
De-notified Tribes (A) of Maharashtra 03 02
Nomadic Tribes (B) of Maharashtra 2.5 02
Nomadic Tribes (C) of Maharashtra 3.5 02
Nomadic Tribes (D) of Maharashtra 02 01
Special Backward Class of Maharashtra 02 01
Other Backward Classes (OBC) of Maharashtra 19 11
Economically Weaker Section (EWS) of Maharashtra 10 06
Unreserved Seats -- 23
Total Seats 60
Note 1:       The table above has been prepared based on the Section 6 (1) of the Maharashtra National Law University Act 2014 and Section 4(2) of the Maharashtra State Public Services
(Reservation for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, De-notified Tribes (Vimukta Jatis), Nomadic Tribes, Special Backward Category and Other Backward Classes) Act 2001.
Note 2: The university reserves 5% of its intake towards Specially Abled Person (SAP)- (with benchmark disabilities).

Course Structure:

Maharashtra National Law University, Nagpur follows a Semester system with six working days in a week; and as per the UGC and BCI regulations/guidelines, the University works for a minimum of 90 working days in each Semester in addition to the examination days, and 180 working days in an academic year for the Undergraduate and Postgraduate Degree Courses.
The Course Curriculum for B.A.LL.B.(Honours in Adjudication and Justicing) is as follows:
First Year
Semester-I Credits Semester-II Credits
1.1 Philosophy of Law and Legal Institutions 4 2.1 Tortious Liability 4
1.2 Indian History 3 2.2 Indian Legal and Constitutional History 4
1.3 Sociology 3 2.3 Law and Society 3
1.4 Political Thought 3 2.4 Contemporary Political Science 3
1.5 Law and Language 3 2.5 Law and Economics 3
1.6 Fundamentals of Human Psychology 3 2.6 Logical Reasoning 3
Second Year
Semester-III Credits Semester-IV Credits
3.1 Constitutional Law 4 4.1 Jurisprudence 4
3.2 Interpretation of Statutes 4 4.2 Constitutional Vision of Justicing and Theories of Justice 3
3.3 Principles of Law of Contracts and
Specific Relief Act
4 4.3 Law of Intestate and Testamentary
3.4 Principles of Property Laws and Transfer of Property Act 4 4.4 Gender and Law 3
3.5 Family Law 3 4.5 Criminology, Victimology and Theories
of Sentencing
3.6 Consumer Protection Law and Negotiable Instruments Act 3 4.6 Medical Jurisprudence and Forensic Science 3
Third Year
Semester-V Credits Semester-VI Credits
5.1 Civil Justice Administration-I 4 6.1 Civil Justice Administration-II 4
5.2 Criminal Justice Administration-I 4 6.2 Criminal Justice Administration-II 4
5.3 Evidence and Appreciation of Evidence 4 6.3 Principles of Corporate Laws 4
5.4 Principles of Environmental Justice 4 6.4 Intellectual Property Rights 4
5.5 International Law and Institutions 4 6.5 Land Laws (Revenue) 4
5.6 Clinic-I (Alternative Disputes Resolution) 5 6.5 Clinic-II (Legal Aid-Law an Practice) 5
Fourth Year
Semester-VII Credits Semester-VIII Credits
7.1 Human Rights 4 8.1 Law and Poverty 4
7.2 Principles of Taxation Laws 4 8.2 Law of Equity and Trusts 4
7.3 Industrial and Labour Laws 3 8.3 Optional Paper-I 4
7.4 Principles of Economic Laws 3 8.4 Optional Paper-II 4
7.5 Tenancy and Rent Control Act 3 8.5 Optional Paper-III 4
7.6 Clinic-III (Judicial Ethics and Professional Relations) 5 8.6 Clinic-IV (Court Management and Case Management) 5
Fifth Year
Semester-IX Credits Semester-X Credits
9.1 Drafting of Orders and Judgments 4  
9.2 Effective Court Administration 4
9.3 Mental Health and Stress Management 3
9.4 Optional Paper-IV 4
9.5 Optional Paper-V 4
9.6 Optional Paper-VI 4
Total mandatory Credits are 210; however, the students shall be allowed to earn more credits through Choice Base Credit System (CBCS) from other Undergraduate Degree Course(s) and extra credit courses offered by the external experts from time to time.

Mandatory Internship:

Internships are considered as an essential part of the course structure and they would be considered as part of overall evaluation process. Internships by the students in their entire course shall fall into two categories:
  • Internships with agencies wherein the involvement of judicial function are apparent but not direct. Various agencies of the criminal justice system, such as State Legal Services Authority / District Legal Services Authority, Police Departments and Juvenile and Adult Correctional Agencies. These may also include human rights and labour organizations.
  • Internships focused within the judicial system, such as under the Justices of High Courts and Judges of District and other specialised Courts.

Fee Structure:

ONE-TIME FEE [payable at the time of admission] I Year
Admission Fee Rs.3,000/-
Library Caution Money (Refundable) Rs.20,000/-
Hostel Caution Money (Refundable) Rs.20,000/-
Mess Caution Money (Refundable) Rs.20,000/-
ANNUAL [payable before commencement of academic session]
Tuition Fee Rs.1,65,000/-
Student Welfare Rs.3,000/-
Library, Database, Printing and Publication Rs.18,000/-
Moot Court, Seminar and Others Rs.6,000/-
Recreation Facility Rs.6,000/-
Internet Charges Rs.6,000/-
Examination and Evaluation Rs.8,000/-
Hostel Accommodation Rs.45,000/-
Mess Charges
(Payable before commencement of each Semester)
Total Rs.3,65,000/-
Note: The Executive Council of the University reserves the right of revising the fee structure at any point of time.

Admission Procedure:

The admission process for B.A.LL.B. (Honours in Adjudication and Justicing) will be conducted in two stages.
Stage 1: Submission of Application Interested Candidates who are eligible are required to apply Online by registering at along with following documents:
  • Passport Size Photograph;
  • CLAT 2023 Score Card;
  • Caste Certificate (For Candidates of Maharashtra Only);
  • Caste Validity Certificate (For Candidates of Maharashtra Only);
  • Creamy Layer Certificate (If Applicable)
  • Economically Weaker Section (EWS) Certificate (For Candidates of Maharashtra Only).

Stage 2: Screening and Shortlisting

CLAT 2023 Rank: From the total number of received applications, Three Hundred (300) applicants will be shortlisted based on the CLAT 2023 Rank at 1:5 Category wise ratio.

Group Discussion (GD): The shortlisted candidates will be invited for Group Discussion (GD) and based on the performance in the Group Discussion, Hundred and Twenty (120) Candidates will be shortlisted to next level at 1:2 Category wise ratio.
Psychometric Test and Personal Interview: The shortlisted candidates from Group Discussion shall appear for a Psychometric Test and will be interviewed by a selection panel including sitting Hon’ble Judges of High Court, Academicians and Psychologists.
Application Fee: Rs.1,500/- (Rupees One Thousand Five Hundred Only) for Unreserved Candidates and Rs.1,000/- (Rupees One Thousand Only) for Reserved Candidates.

Important Dates:

Admission Notification                       :           March 1, 2023
Applications Open Online                 :           March 6, 2023
Application Ends                                :           March 31, 2023
1st Shortlist based on CLAT Rank
(Category wise)                                  :           April 12, 2023
Group Discussion (GD)                      :           April 18 and 19, 2023
2nd Shortlist based on GD                  :           April 24, 2023
Psychometric Test                              :           April 29, 2023
Personal Interview                              :           May 6 and 7, 2023 (Tentative)
Publication of Result and
Rank List                                             :           May 10, 2023
Note: As on date, the Group Discussion and Psychometric Test will be conducted online, however, the Personal Interview will be conducted physically / in person. Changes if any, in the mode of conduct of Group Discussion, Psychometric Test and Personal Interview will be intimated in our website.

For any further clarification with regard to admissions please contact Admission Section:

Email to: Contact No: 9112032233.
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